Friday 29 July 2016



In order to enter proteins in your body, you should incorporate eggs in your diet. The consumption of eggs will increase your daily protein count, but also will improve your health as they have 7grams of this muscle-building nutrient with only 85 calories per egg. Eggs contain several nuttients such as amino acids, antioxidants and iron. Make sure to eat the yolk as well because it has an anti-fat nutrient known as choline.
Always check the label before buying eggs and make sure to buy organic ones since they are free of vaccines, antibiotics or hormones. The choice of color depends on you. According to Molly Morgan (RD and board-certified sports specialist dietician in New York), the color of eggs varies between different chicken types.
Here are only 12 reasons (there are many more) why you should include eggs in your diet:

1. Prevent Chances of Heart Disease
LDL cholesterol or otherwise know as bad cholesterol is responsible for transmitting fat molecules in our artery walls and cause atherosclerosis (which leads to gumming up of our arteries). On the other hand, HDL cholesterol particles help in removing fat molecules from arterial walls. But that is not the overall general rule.
Some LDL particle subtypes are different in size. According to many scientific studies, the larger particles are better since people with small and dense LDL particles have higher risk of heart disease in comparison with those with large LDL particles.
The reason why people should consume eggs is because they are likely to increase LDL cholesterol in certain individuals, but research shows that these LDL particles transform from dense and small to large ones. This reduces the chances of cardiovascular problems.

2. Strengthening Immune System
In order to eliminate different diseases, infections and viruses, you should consume at least 1 to 2 eggs on a daily basis. Just one egg contains almost a quarter of our Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of selenium. Selenium is a nutrient which helps in strenghtening our immune system and regulates thyroid hormones. Kids definitely need to consume eggs since if they suffer from selenium deficiency, it can cause Kashin-Beck disease and Keshan disease.
These diseases could have an effect on the joints, bones and heart.

3. Improved Cholesterol Profile
Here are the 3 points about cholesterol that are well known:
* High cholesterol levels are bad for our health.
* Both good and bad types of cholesterol exist.
* Eggs have high levels of cholesterol.
Doctors are mostly concern about the ratio between HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Eventhough a large egg will have 212mg cholesterol, it dose not mean that eggs cause increase in LDL (bad) cholesterols in our blood. In fact, our body produces cholesterol as well. According to many studies, eggs are capable of improving our cholesterol profile.
So how do eggs help in improving our cholesterol profile?
Eggs have been found to help improve HDL cholesterol levels and the size of the LDL cholesterol particles.

4. More Energy
The consumption of eggs can boost our energy because just one egg has 15% of pur vitamin B2 RDA or commonly know as riboflavin which helps in the process of conversion of food into fuel required for producing energy. Egg is also one of the 25 best groups of foods for toning our body.

5. Healthier Hair & Skin
Eggs can help us improve our skin, liver, hair and eyes since all they require B-complex vitamins. Moreover, eggs are a rich source of B5 and B12 vitamins as well as vitamin B2. They are essential for the proper function of our nervous system.

6. Eggs Make You Feel Fuller
Eggs are actually the best source of high quality protein when compared to other sources. Many studies have shown the positive effects of high protein diets on our appetite. Eggs have been found to score high on the Satiety Index. This means they make you feel fuller faster.

7. Fat Loss
Due to the fact that eggs have very high score on the Satiety Index, they are associated with fat loss. In a study, one group was given eggs and other bagels in breakfast for 8 weeks. The calorie count was kept same.
When the results came up, they showed that the group which was given eggs lost 65% more body fat and experienced 61% recduction in their Body Mass Index. Moreover, they also had34% more decline in the circumference of their waist.

8. Protecting Your Brain
As we previosuly mentioned, eggs contain choline, an essential nutrient and that’s why they are an excellent food choice for our brain. It is in fact part of our cell membranes and is essential to synthesize acetylcholine, a crucial neurotransmitter. According to several studies, lack of choline can lower cognitive function and lower neurological disorders.

9. Eggs as Potential Life Savers
It is little know fact that our body is capable of producing 11 essential amino acids required for sustaining life. However, our body requires 20 essential amino acids. The reason why eggs are so important for us is because the rest of the 9 amino acids cannot be found elswhere but in eggs. The deficiency of these 9 essential amino acids can cause skin color changes, hair texture changes, decline in immune response, fatigue, weakness and muscle wasting.

10. Lesser Anxiety & Stress
The consumption of eggs will help you compensate those 9 essential amino acids, but if you fail to incorporate them, it could lead to mental disorders. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published a study in 2004 which claims that anxiety and stress levels can be lowered with supplementation of lysine, which will help in modulation of serotonin in our nervous system.

11. Protection for Eyes
In order to protect your eyes, you need to consume eggs as they contain eye-friendly antioxidants called lutein and zeaxanthin. It should be mentioned that they are contained in the yolk.These antioxidants significantly reduce the chances of cataracts and macular degeneration (the two main causes behind blindness and vision impairment in the old

12. Improved Bone & Teeth Health
Vitamin D is crucial nutrient for the health and strenght of our teeth and bones. Eventhough it is hard to find this vitamin in naturally available foods, eggs are the ones that contain vitamin D. The consumption of eggs will help us protect our bones and teeth by promoting calcium absorption. Moreover, this mineral is also essential for the maintenance of proper functioning and health of our colon, heart and metabolism.
