Sunday 4 September 2016

Cleanse Kidneys Of Toxins, Diabetes, Asthma And Cholesterol With Easy Recipes
So, you need to cleanse kidneys of toxins?.. The most used food item in Philippines, UK or US is okra. It is same pronounced in Carribean English and Nigeria also. Another name term is “lady fingers”

In raw okra, 1 cup, you have only 30 calories, 3 g fiber, 2 g protein, 7.6 g carbs and 0.1 fat, 21 mg vitamin C, 80 mg folate and 60 mg magnesium. It is indeed a health powerful veggie and available anywhere.

It doesn’t matter way of consumption, boiled, stewed, raw, fried, pickled – it is healthy anyway all year long.

It eases up the asthma symptoms, bad cholesterol too, improves immunity, stops kidney issues and cleanse kidneys and helps with diabetes patients. It is even proved how it improves glucose related absorption issues in the stomach.

With this simple recipe, you will level the sugar in the bloodstream.


Get 4 okras fresh and cut them on heads and tails. Put 2-3 cuts in water to sit over night. Drink that water before breakfast. This will stop cravings during the day and level good sugar in blood.
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Top 10 Surprising Benefits Of Soursop Leaves For Skin, Hair And Health

Soursop also known as graviola  is a fruit that has its origin in the forests of South America, Africa and Southeast Asia. This is an evergreen broad leaved tree whose every part is useful and has medicinal properties. This fruit is extremely delicious with a sharp aroma and a sweet-sour taste which is basically a combination of the taste of pineapple and strawberry. Recently, it has gained attention and popularity due to its natural cancer cell killing properties. Apart from its anti- cancer properties, it has several other medical benefits.

Soursop leaves are the most beneficial parts of this tree. They have the Acetoginin containing compounds namely bulatacin, asimisin and squamosin. Acetoginin acts as an anti- feedent. Thus, they are often used in killing insects and pests which die by consuming these leaves even in small amounts. Scientific research conducted by The National Cancer Institute has proved that Soursop leaves can effectively attack and destroy cancer cells. In addition to this, they are also used in the treatment of several other diseases.

Health Benefits of Soursop Leaves:

Soursop leaves are rich in several compounds including protein, calcium, fructose, fat, vitamins A and B and the like. Thus, the leaves have excellent medicinal properties making them usable as an ingredient in several herbal health products. The health benefits of soursop leaves are as follows.

1. Treatment of Cancer:
Soursop leaves can inhibit cancer cells and cure cancer more quickly and effectively than chemotherapy which results in several side effects besides being expensive. In fact, research has proved that soursop has an active ingredient that is 10000 times stronger than chemotherapy in fighting cancer cells. Thus, soursop leaves can treat different types of cancers including prostate, lung and breast cancers. For treatment, boil 10 soursop leaves in 3 cups of water until only one cup of water remains, strain and cool it and drink this concoction every morning for 3-4 weeks to determine improvement in the condition. Soursop leaves cancer treatment is one of the most potent cures till date.

2. Treatment of Uric Acid:
Eating soursop leaves can greatly help in treating gout. In fact, many alternative medicines use soursop leaves for the treatment of gout. For this purpose, take 6 to 10 soursop leaves which are old but still green and wash them clean. Boil the leaves in 2 cups of water and simmer until one cup of water remains. This concoction should be taken twice a day i.e. morning and evening for maximum benefits

3. Treatment of Back Pain:Back pain is commonly experienced these days, particularly while exercising. Using chemical drugs for back pain can cause side effects. Soursop leaves are an effective herbal remedy for treating back pain without any negative effect. You can boil 20 pieces of soursop leaves in 5 cups of water until only 3 cups of water are left. Drink ¾ cup of this concoction once in a day for relief.

4. Treatment of Eczema and Rheumatism:
Rheumatic diseases are commonly observed in elderly people, causing great pain. Soursop leaves are a natural treatment for arthritis pain. For this purpose, mashes the soursop leaves until they become smooth and apply on the areas of the body affected by pain due to arthritis and eczema, regularly twice a day.

5. Treatment of Diabetes:
The limit of normal sugar levels ranges from 70 mg to 120 mg. The nutrients in soursop leaves are believed to stabilize blood sugar levels in the normal range. Besides, the extracts of soursop leaves can be used as one of the natural diabetes remedies. All this makes these leaves beneficial for diabetics.

6. Boosts the Immune System and Prevents Infections:
The nutrient content of soursop leaves is believed to boost the immune system and avoid infections in the body. Boil 4/5 soursop leaves in 4 cups of water until one cup water remains and drink this concoction regularly once in a day for beneficial results.

7. Other Benefits:
In addition to the benefits mentioned above, soursop leaves are extremely effective in inhibiting the growth of bacteria, virus, parasites and tumor development. Their healing properties make them capable of being used as an anti-seizure medication. They are also capable of reducing fever and lowering high blood pressure. They help in treating inflammation and swollen feet. They aid in digestion and improve appetite. Soursop leaf consumption on a regular basis helps in improving stamina and facilitating quick recovery from diseases.

Skin Benefits of Soursop Leaves:

Due to their medicinal properties soursop leaves are extremely beneficial for health. As pointed out earlier, they are used in the treatment of some of the deadliest diseases. The leaves offer some skin benefits as well.

8. Treatment of Boils:
Ulcer is a skin disorder that is characterized by immense pain and even has the risk of catching infection. Boils can occur on the body or on the face, thus interfering with your skin health and beauty. Soursop leaves are a natural remedy to cure ulcers. You can pick some young soursop leaves and place them on the body affected by ulcers.

9. Treatment of Eczema:
As already stated earlier, soursop leaves can treat eczema in a natural way. You can mash a few soursop leaves and apply it on the affected areas twice a day regularly. This will help in alleviating the pain caused by eczema besides treating it.

A pulp made with fresh soursop leaves and rose water when applied on the skin can be very useful in preventing the occurrence of blackheads and other skin problems too.

Hair Benefits of Soursop Leaves:

10. Get rid of Lice:
All of us long for healthy and damage free hair. But unfortunately, the unhealthy lifestyle coupled with exposure to harmful chemicals and environmental pollutants is responsible for several hair problems like dandruff, split ends, hair loss, pre mature greying etc. Natural ingredients and herbal products can be very effective in combating these problems. As far as soursop leaves are concerned, much is not known about their benefits for hair. However, soursop leaves have the capability to inhibit the growth of parasites, besides other medicinal properties. Thus, applying a soursop leaf decoction on your hair can help you to get rid of head lice.

Make Soursop Tea
* 1 small stem, cut into small pieces and put into the boiling water.
* Don’t close the vessel and Continue to boil the water on small flame for 30 mins,until the water evaporates to 500 ml .
* Now the soursop tea is ready to drink. Drink 1 cup (165ml) filtered soursop tea hot or warm or cool , 3 times every day, in the morning, afternoon and in the night.
* For better taste you can add 1/2 spoon of lime juice ,2 pudina leafs and add some honey (not sugar).
After drinking, the body may feel the effects of heat, but no side effects. To cool the body drink 3 glasses of fresh watermelon juice, and drink 3 glasses of goats milk every day. In 2 weeks time you can feel the benefits of soursop yourself, and in 4 weeks time the improvements can be felt clearly.
Note: Drink soursop tea 30 minutes before eating.
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Wednesday 17 August 2016


1 Shea butter
2 Coconut oil
3 Mix together
4 Lime
Scrub your lips with the lime,  then apply the cream Richly ,preferable at night.

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Friday 29 July 2016



In order to enter proteins in your body, you should incorporate eggs in your diet. The consumption of eggs will increase your daily protein count, but also will improve your health as they have 7grams of this muscle-building nutrient with only 85 calories per egg. Eggs contain several nuttients such as amino acids, antioxidants and iron. Make sure to eat the yolk as well because it has an anti-fat nutrient known as choline.
Always check the label before buying eggs and make sure to buy organic ones since they are free of vaccines, antibiotics or hormones. The choice of color depends on you. According to Molly Morgan (RD and board-certified sports specialist dietician in New York), the color of eggs varies between different chicken types.
Here are only 12 reasons (there are many more) why you should include eggs in your diet:

1. Prevent Chances of Heart Disease
LDL cholesterol or otherwise know as bad cholesterol is responsible for transmitting fat molecules in our artery walls and cause atherosclerosis (which leads to gumming up of our arteries). On the other hand, HDL cholesterol particles help in removing fat molecules from arterial walls. But that is not the overall general rule.
Some LDL particle subtypes are different in size. According to many scientific studies, the larger particles are better since people with small and dense LDL particles have higher risk of heart disease in comparison with those with large LDL particles.
The reason why people should consume eggs is because they are likely to increase LDL cholesterol in certain individuals, but research shows that these LDL particles transform from dense and small to large ones. This reduces the chances of cardiovascular problems.

2. Strengthening Immune System
In order to eliminate different diseases, infections and viruses, you should consume at least 1 to 2 eggs on a daily basis. Just one egg contains almost a quarter of our Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of selenium. Selenium is a nutrient which helps in strenghtening our immune system and regulates thyroid hormones. Kids definitely need to consume eggs since if they suffer from selenium deficiency, it can cause Kashin-Beck disease and Keshan disease.
These diseases could have an effect on the joints, bones and heart.

3. Improved Cholesterol Profile
Here are the 3 points about cholesterol that are well known:
* High cholesterol levels are bad for our health.
* Both good and bad types of cholesterol exist.
* Eggs have high levels of cholesterol.
Doctors are mostly concern about the ratio between HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Eventhough a large egg will have 212mg cholesterol, it dose not mean that eggs cause increase in LDL (bad) cholesterols in our blood. In fact, our body produces cholesterol as well. According to many studies, eggs are capable of improving our cholesterol profile.
So how do eggs help in improving our cholesterol profile?
Eggs have been found to help improve HDL cholesterol levels and the size of the LDL cholesterol particles.

4. More Energy
The consumption of eggs can boost our energy because just one egg has 15% of pur vitamin B2 RDA or commonly know as riboflavin which helps in the process of conversion of food into fuel required for producing energy. Egg is also one of the 25 best groups of foods for toning our body.

5. Healthier Hair & Skin
Eggs can help us improve our skin, liver, hair and eyes since all they require B-complex vitamins. Moreover, eggs are a rich source of B5 and B12 vitamins as well as vitamin B2. They are essential for the proper function of our nervous system.

6. Eggs Make You Feel Fuller
Eggs are actually the best source of high quality protein when compared to other sources. Many studies have shown the positive effects of high protein diets on our appetite. Eggs have been found to score high on the Satiety Index. This means they make you feel fuller faster.

7. Fat Loss
Due to the fact that eggs have very high score on the Satiety Index, they are associated with fat loss. In a study, one group was given eggs and other bagels in breakfast for 8 weeks. The calorie count was kept same.
When the results came up, they showed that the group which was given eggs lost 65% more body fat and experienced 61% recduction in their Body Mass Index. Moreover, they also had34% more decline in the circumference of their waist.

8. Protecting Your Brain
As we previosuly mentioned, eggs contain choline, an essential nutrient and that’s why they are an excellent food choice for our brain. It is in fact part of our cell membranes and is essential to synthesize acetylcholine, a crucial neurotransmitter. According to several studies, lack of choline can lower cognitive function and lower neurological disorders.

9. Eggs as Potential Life Savers
It is little know fact that our body is capable of producing 11 essential amino acids required for sustaining life. However, our body requires 20 essential amino acids. The reason why eggs are so important for us is because the rest of the 9 amino acids cannot be found elswhere but in eggs. The deficiency of these 9 essential amino acids can cause skin color changes, hair texture changes, decline in immune response, fatigue, weakness and muscle wasting.

10. Lesser Anxiety & Stress
The consumption of eggs will help you compensate those 9 essential amino acids, but if you fail to incorporate them, it could lead to mental disorders. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published a study in 2004 which claims that anxiety and stress levels can be lowered with supplementation of lysine, which will help in modulation of serotonin in our nervous system.

11. Protection for Eyes
In order to protect your eyes, you need to consume eggs as they contain eye-friendly antioxidants called lutein and zeaxanthin. It should be mentioned that they are contained in the yolk.These antioxidants significantly reduce the chances of cataracts and macular degeneration (the two main causes behind blindness and vision impairment in the old

12. Improved Bone & Teeth Health
Vitamin D is crucial nutrient for the health and strenght of our teeth and bones. Eventhough it is hard to find this vitamin in naturally available foods, eggs are the ones that contain vitamin D. The consumption of eggs will help us protect our bones and teeth by promoting calcium absorption. Moreover, this mineral is also essential for the maintenance of proper functioning and health of our colon, heart and metabolism.


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Friday 15 July 2016

8 Foods Which help Cancer growth – Stop eating these foods NOW!
Stop eating this 8 Foods
Here are top 8 foods you should be careful with:
1. Avoid Farmed Salmon
Over 60% of all salmon are farm raised and are fed with feeds contaminated with pesticides, antibiotics, and carcinogenic chemicals. They are fed with these chemicals for getting that so-called “natural” reddish pink color . Also, they can have sea lice,less omega-3 acids and large amounts of mercury, PCB, and cancer-causing dioxins.
When you buy salmon always buy it fresh and don’t forget to check the label to ensure that it is wild sockeye salmon.

2. Stay Clear Of Canned Tomatoes
Did you know that the can of canned food is lined with bisphenol-A or BPA? One research study discovered that the effect of this chemical on your body is like how genes act in the cerebrum of lab rats. When BPA gets into tomatoes it makes them very dangerous and BPA content may not be specified on the label .So avoid canned tomatoes- buy fresh organic tomatoes.

3. Stay Off Soda Pop
Drinking soda every day will increase your chance of having a stroke .If you consume sodas every day you will spike up your glucose levels and also can also develop insulin resistance. They contain artificial colorings which are carcinogenic in nature and also cause gastroesophageal reflux sickness.

4. Stop Eating Microwave Popcorn
Microwave popcorn packs may be linked to a poisonous chemical known as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). This chemical may cause liver, kidney, testicular, bladder and pancreas cancers. Most microwave popcorn uses soybean oil and some other additives such as propyl gallate, which can cause skin rashes and digestive problems.

5. Careful With Those Potato Chips
If you eat potato chips you will gain weight because they are packed with calories and fat. Potato chips can cause hypertension because are loaded with high amounts of sodium( artificial coloring and chemical additives are carcinogenic).
Because chips are fried under very high temperature,it forms a compound called acrylamide which is carcinogenic.

6. Eating Highly Smoked, Pickled Or Salted Food Is Bad For You
Foods with nitrites same as coloring to meat act like preservatives are unhealthy . Once eaten, they change into N-nitroso and it causes cancer. The bacon, salami, and sausages are high in sodium and fat that can lead to colorectal cancer or stomach malignancy.

7. Genetically Modified Food
Genetically modified food are grown with chemicals. In one research, GMO food was given to the lab rats and in 10 days they developed pre-malignant cell developments, damaged immune systems and even smaller brains and livers.

8. Refined Sugar Is Bad For You
Food with refined sugar raises the insulin levels and cancerous cells feed on it to grow in size. Tumors and cancers feed on sugars .Cancer cells feed on fructose-rich sweeteners such(high-fructose corn syrup) .In this modern time, everyone consumes : pies, cereals, juices and other drinks that contain refines sugar and that’s why tumors and cancer are on an increase.

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Monday 11 July 2016

Details in each Photo
Also Watch this Video:

160 Uses for Coconut Oil

1. Age Spots (also known as liver spots) – applying coconut oil directly to the age spot will help it fade.

2. After Shave – coconut oil will help heal your skin after shaving without clogging pores. Great for razor burn!

3. Baldness – apply three times a day to affected area of hair loss. Coconut oil supports cell regeneration.

4. Birth Marks – can be used after a laser removal treatment to aid in healing. Can also be applied after an apple cider vinegar treatment to help support and aid the fading process.

5. Body Scrub – mix coconut oil and sugar together and rub all over! Rinse off and your skin will be super soft! You can add in essential oils if you would like a specific smell.

6. Bruises – applied directly to the bruise, coconut oil enhances the healing process by reducing swelling and redness.

7. Bug Bites – when applied directly to a bug bite, coconut oil can stop the itching and burning sensation as well as hasten the healing process.

8. Burns – apply to burn site immediately and continue applying until healed. Will reduce the chances of permanent scarring and promotes healing.

9. Chapstick – just rub a little into lips and it not only acts as a softening agent but it also has an SPF of about 4 so you get a little protection!

10. Cradle Cap – having issues with dry skin on your baby’s scalp? Coconut oil will not only nourish your baby’s skin, it also helps eliminate cradle cap. Just rub a teaspoon onto scalp daily.

11. Dandruff – coconut oil soaks into the scalp moisturizing dry skin and relieves symptoms of dandruff. It also helps to control oil secretion from the scalp, another leading cause of dandruff.

12. Deodorant – coconut oil alone can be used as a deodorant, but even more effective in combination with cornstarch/arrowroot powder and baking soda!

13. Diaper Salve – very comforting on a rashy bum with no harsh chemicals. Also safe for cloth diapers.

14. Exfoliator – coconut oil mixed with sugar or sea salt is a very nourishing and effective exfoliator and safe to use all over the body.

15. Eye cream – apply under the eyes to reduce puffiness, bags and wrinkles. Use on the lids in the evening.

16. Face Wash/ Soap – mix equal parts coconut oil with olive oil, almond oil, avocado oil and castor oil and use in place of soap when washing your face. Wet face, rub oil in and leave on for two minutes, rinse and pat dry. One teaspoon should be adequate.

17. Hair conditioner/ Deep Treatment – use as a leave-in hair conditioner by applying a teaspoon of coconut oil to your ends and then running your fingers through your hair to distribute the rest! For a deeper treatment, rub in a tablespoon of coconut oil onto your dry scalp and gently work through to the ends. Put a shower cap on to prevent transfer onto bed linens and leave on overnight.

18. Hair Gel/ Defrizzer – rub a little between your palms and either scrunch into hair (for curly hair) or finger comb in through from scalp to ends (for wavy/straight hair).

19. Healing - when applied on scrapes and cuts, coconut oil forms a thin, chemical layer which protects the wound from outside dust, bacteria and virus. Coconut oil speeds up the healing process of bruises by repairing damaged tissues. Plus, it smells a heck-of-a-lot better than anything from the pharmacy.

20. Lubricant – it is an all-natural, perfectly safe personal lubricant. Not compatible with latex!

21. Makeup Remover – use a cotton swab and a dab of coconut oil and you would be amazed at how well it works!

22. Massage Oil – pretty simple; grab some and rub!

23. Moisturizer – simply scoop some out of the jar and apply all over your body, including neck and face.

24. Mole Remover – when applied after an apple cider vinegar compress for several weeks, moles have been known to “slide off” or just disappear.

25. Nipple Cream – works great to nourish cracked, sore or dry nipples. Apply to a cotton ball and leave on your nipples between feedings.

26. Oily Skin Fix – prone to oily skin or an oily T-zone? Use a pea sized amount underneath makeup or alone to reduce the appearance of oil.

27. Pre Shampoo Treatment for Hair – rub a little into scalp and hair before shampooing. This is especially useful for those with course or frizzy hair.

28. Pre-Shave – coconut oil will prep skin for the pending damage caused by shaving.

29. Skin Problems – coconut oil relieves skin problems such as psoriasis, dermatitis, and eczema.

30. Stretch Mark Cream – coconut oil is great at nourishing damaged skin. It may not be the magic stretch mark cure but it will help.

31. Sun Burn Relief – rub liberal amounts of coconut oil into the affected area.

32. Sunscreen – see my post on natural sunscreen for more detailed information.

33. Swimmers Ear – mix garlic oil and coconut oil and put a few drops in affected ear for about 10 minutes. Do this 2-3 times a day and it usually works within one or two days.

34. Tattoo Healing and Moisturizer – continued use of coconut oil on tattoos will help keep the pigment from fading. Used on new tattoos, coconut will hasten the healing process and decrease the chance of infection.

35. Toothpaste – there are numerous recipes out there but I just mix coconut oil and baking soda and dab a little of the mix on my toothbrush.

36. Wrinkle Prevention and Wrinkle Reducer – rubbing coconut oil on winkles and sagging skin helps strengthen the connective tissues to bring back that youthful look!

Coconut Oil for General Health and Wellness

37. Breastfeeding – for breastfeeding moms, consuming 3 ½ tablespoons of coconut oil daily will enrich the milk supply.

38. Bones and Teeth – coconut oil aids in the absorption of calcium and magnesium leading to better development of bones and teeth.

39. Digestion - the saturated fats in coconut oil help control parasites and fungi that cause indigestion and other digestion related problems such as irritable bowel syndrome. The fat in coconut oil also aids in the absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, making you healthier all around.

40. Energy Boost – coconut oil boosts energy and endurance making it a great supplement for athletes as well as those needed a quick pick me up.

41. Fitness - coconut oil has been proven to stimulate your metabolism, improve thyroid function, and escalate energy levels, all of which help decrease your unwanted fat while increasing muscle.

42. Improves insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose making it great for both diabetics and non-diabetic.

43. Lung Function – increases the fluidity of cell surfaces.

44. Nausea – rub some coconut oil on the inside for the wrist and forearm to calm an upset stomach.

45. Nose bleeds – coconut oil can prevent nose bleeding that is caused by sensitivity to weather such as extreme heat and extreme cold. This condition happens when the nasal passages become dry because of cold or dry air resulting to burns and cracks in the mucus membranes so bleeding happens. To prevent this just put coconut oil in you nostrils. Coat your finger with coconut oil and then lie down and coat your finger inside your nose. Doing this will strengthen and protect the capillaries in the nasal passages. A Vitamin C supplement will also help prevent nose bleeding.

46. Oil pulling with coconut oil offers a two for one health benefit!

47. Stress Relief – relieve mental fatigue by applying coconut oil to the head in a circular, massaging motion. The natural aroma of coconuts is extremely soothing thus helping to lower your stress level.

48. Vitamin and nutrient absorption

49. Weight loss - the saturated fats contribute to weight loss and controlling cravings. Also increases metabolic rate.

Coconut Oil for Health Problems (when taken internally it is known for aiding, preventing, relieving or even curing these health issues)

50. Acid reflux/indigestion aid if taken after a meal

51. Adrenal fatigue

52. Allergies (seasonal hay fever)

53. Alzheimer’s/Dementia

54. Asthma, even in children

55. Autism

56. Bowel function

57. Bronchial Infections

58. Cancer (has been shown to prevent colon and breast cancer in laboratory tests)

59. Candida Albicans

60. Cholesterol – improves HDL (‘good’ cholesterol) to LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol) ratio in people with high cholesterol

61. Chronic Fatigue

62. Crohns Disease and resulting inflammation

63. Circulation/feeling cold all the time

64. Colds and Flus

65. Constipation

66. Cystic Fibrosis

67. Depression

68. Diabetes – helps keep blood sugar levels stable and/or helps with cravings

69. Dysentery

70. Eczema – in addition to taking it internally, many have success applying it externally, but some don’t

71. Edema

72. Energy boost

73. Epilepsy (known to reduce epileptic seizures)

74. Fever Support

75. Flaky, Dry Skin

76. Gallbladder disease and pain

77. Gas

78. H. pylori

79. Head Lice

80. Heart Disease (protects arteries from injury that causes atherosclerosis)

81. Hemorrhoids (can applied externally or internally twice a day)

82. HIV

83. Hot Flashes

84. Hyperthyroidism

85. Immune System Builder

86. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

87. Jaundice

88. Kidney Disease

89. Kidney Stones (aids in dissolving them)

90. Liver Disease

91. Lung Disease

92. Malnutrition

93. Mental Clarity

94. Menstruation Relief regarding pain/cramps and heavy blood flow

95. Migraines (with regular use)

96. Mononucleosis

97. Osteoporosis

98. Pancreatitis

99. Parasites

100. Periodontal Disease and tooth decay

101. Prostate Enlargement (benign prostatic hyperplasia)

102. Rickets

103. Skin problems

104. Scurvy

105. Stomach Ulcers

106. Toenail fungus

107. Thrush

108. Thyroid Function (regulates an overactive or underactive thyroid)

109. Ulcerative Colitis

110. Underactive thyroid gland – results have shown subsequent thyroid blood tests becoming normal after ingesting coconut oil daily

111. Urinary Tract Infections (Bladder Infections)

Coconut Oil and Health Problems (when applied topically it is known for aiding, relieving, or even curing these health issues)

112. Acne

113. Allergies/Hay Fever – rub a little inside the nostrils for quick relief. The pollen will cling to the oil.

114. Athletes foot

115. Back pain/sore muscles

116. Boils and cysts

117. Canker sores

118. Cellulite

119. Circumcision healing – although I am personally against circumcision, I have read that coconut oil is a really great healer for this.

120. Decongestant – rub coconut oil on the chest and under the nose when congested from a cold or allergies

121. Ear infection – place a few drops inside the ear twice daily for relief from pain. Also fights the infection itself.

122. Genital Warts (through topical application over 6 weeks, and coconut oil enemas twice a day depending on the location of the warts)

123. Gum Disease and Gingivitis (use as a toothpaste or rub directly on gums)

124.Herpes (applied topically and taken internally)

125.Hives (reduces the itch and swelling

126. Pink eye (applied around and in the eye)

127. Ringworm

128. Toothache

129. Warts

Coconut Oil and Cooking

130. Butter Substitute – use 1 cup to 1 cup ratio when replacing butter in recipes with coconut oil.

131. Nutritional Supplement – melt and add to smoothies.

132. Replacement for butter/lard/Crisco/PAM in its solid form for greasing pans, pie crusts, etc.

133. Replacement for various oils in liquid form – baking, cooking, sautéing, etc.

Coconut Oil and Pets/Animals

Check with your veterinarian but the recommended dosage for animals is 1/4 teaspoon for every 10 pounds of body weight twice daily.

134. Aids healing of digestive disorders like inflammatory bowel syndrome and colitis

135. Aids in arthritis or ligament problems

136. Aids in elimination of hairballs and coughing

137. Applied topically, promotes the healing of cuts, wounds, hot spots, dry skin and hair, bites and stings

138. Clears up skin conditions such as eczema, flea allergies, contact dermatitis, and itchy skin

139. Disinfects cuts and promotes wound healing

140. Great for dogs and cats for general wellness. Just add a teaspoon to their water bowl daily.

141. Helps prevent or control diabetes

142. Helps sedentary dogs feel energetic

143. Helps reduce weight, increases energy

144. Improves digestion and nutrient absorption

145. Makes coats become sleek and glossy, and deodorizes doggy odor

146. Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) have been shown to improve brain energy metabolism and decrease the amyloid protein buildup that results in brain lesions in older dogs.

147. Prevents and treats yeast and fungal infections, including candida

148. Reduces allergic reactions and improves skin health

149. Reduces or eliminates bad breath in dogs

150. Regulates and balance insulin and promotes normal thyroid function

Other Uses for Coconut Oil

151. Chewing Gum in Hair Remover – just rub some coconut oil over the stuck chewing gum, leave in for about 30 minutes, then roll the gum between your fingertip. Voila! It’s out!

152. Goo Gone – just mix equal parts coconut oil and baking soda into a paste. Apply to the “sticky” area and let it set for a minute. Then scrub off with an old toothbrush or the scrubby side of a sponge.

153. Insect repellent – mix coconut oil with peppermint oil extract and rub it all over exposed skin. Keeps insects off better than anything with DEET! Tons safer too.

154. Moisturizing and cleaning leather products

155. Oiling wood cutting boards and wood bowls

156. Polishing Bronze – all you have to do is rub a little oil into a cotton towel and then wipe down the statue. It cleans and helps deepen the color of your bronze.

157. Polish Furniture – coconut oil with a little bit of lemon juice to polish wood furniture. However, I recommend you test it first on a very small, unobtrusive part of your furniture to make sure it works the way you’d like.

158. Seasoning animal hide drums

159. Seasoning cookware

160. Soap making – coconut oil can be used as one of the fats in soap.

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